Date: Friday, May 16, 2025 - Friday, May 30, 2025
May, 2025 NPD Certification Preparation Virtual Course
NPD Certification Preparation Course
Provided by ANPD
May 16, 23, and 30, 2025 from 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm CT daily
ANPD Member: $375
Non-Member: $550
Attend an instructor-led ANPD Certification Preparation course taught by NPD experts.
Register Now
About the Certification Preparation Course:
This instructor-led, multi-day course is intended to increase your nursing professional development knowledge and help you prepare for the NPD certification exam offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The curriculum offers 12 contact hours and covers the major domains of practice found in the board certification exam: Educational Process Standards; Leadership; Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Standards; Evidence-based Practice and Research; Technology; and Program/Project Management and Process Improvement. Completion of the pre- and post- tests awards an additional 2 contact hours, for a total of up to 14 contact hours. Course participants are also provided with a course handbook to aid in studying for the ANCC exam after completion of the course.
Registrants will be enrolled in the NPD Cert Prep Course pre- and post-tests in ANPD’s Continuing Education Center. Participants may assess knowledge gained by comparing their post-course score with their pre-course score. Pre- & post-test scores are provided immediately on completion of each 60-question test. In addition, the pre- and post-tests allow identification of domains as areas of focus when preparing for the certification exam. Instructions to access the pre- and post-tests will be provided to attendees two (2) weeks before the course. It is highly recommended that you complete the pre-test before you attend the course. An additional 2 contact hours is awarded for completion of the pre- and post-test with answer review.
Registration Includes:
- Participation in the instructor-led virtual live course
- Access to pre- and post-tests in ANPD's Continuing Education Center for 90 days
- Access to the course handbook for use during and after the live course for 90 days
- Contact hours
Registration for this course is limited to 35 participants. Course registration for available seat openings is secured with received payment.
Target Audience:
- Registered nurses preparing for the specialty certification exam in nursing professional development (NPD), offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- RNs desiring additional education in nursing professional development
Description: This program is intended to prepare participants for the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty examination in nursing professional development by increasing the participant’s foundational nursing professional development knowledge. The content of this course is designed in congruence with current ANCC NPD-BC Testing Content Outline that applies to individuals testing on and after February 26, 2025. Please see ANCC’s website for more information.
- Short term measurement: Upon course completion, 80% of participants will report an increase in their knowledge of the content found of American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty examination in nursing professional development.
- Long term measurement: Completed long-term follow up survey results will indicate that 85% of participants who took the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty exam in nursing professional development will report successful certification was achieved.
Successful Completion:
- Attendance of the entire course is required to be awarded 12 contact hours. Partial credit may be awarded for attendance of a single full day (4 hours per day).
- Completion of the pre- and post-tests and review to be awarded an additional 2 contact hours.
- Completion of online course evaluations is required to obtain course completion certificate with contact hours.
Continuing Education: Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Contact Hours Awarded: up to 14
Cancellation Policy: This course is intended to be taken in its entirety. Cancellation must be sent in writing to at least 1 week before the first day of the course. No make-up date(s) or refunds are provided for missed classes.
Disclaimer: Participation in this course does not guarantee successful performance on the ANCC NPD Board Certification Exam, nor is it intended to predict exam performance. It may, however, help identify areas of strength and opportunities as a part of a comprehensive exam preparation plan.

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