The Nursing Professional Development Certification Preparation Course is a two-day course designed to prepare nurses for the nursing professional development specialty certification exam offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The course offers 12 contact hours with a curriculum covering the major domains of practice found in the board certification exam: Educational Process Standards; Leadership; Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Standards; Evidence-based Practice and Research; Technology; and Program/Project Management and Process Improvement. Participants also have the opportunity to take a practice exam provided before and after the course through ANPD's online Professional Development Center.
Joint Provider responsibilities
- Payment of joint provider fee of $7,500 if a non-affiliate, and $7,000 if an affiliate
(*an additional charge of $1,000 will be applied if the joint provider makes a special request for a specific faculty member who is not the closest instructor geographically)
- Arrange facility for course, including any necessary audiovidual and/or computer equipment needed for the space (e.g., screen and projector, microphone, internet access)
- Determine, collect and manage participant registration fees
- Develop a promotion flyer and submit to ANPD for approval (template provided)
- Distribute promotional flyer after ANPD approval
- Arrange food and beverage during the course, if desired by joint provider
- Provide the following information to ANPD three weeks before the scheduled course: Participant names, email address, and mailing address. Updated ANPD in writing of any changes in registration, noting that registrations less than 2 weeks from the course date will delay participant access.
- Hard-copy handout duplication adn aprticipant distribution from master provided by ANPD. Master file/copies may not be shared outside of course.
- Provide an in-person representative during the course for on-site coordination, including daily sign-in, distribution of joint provider-printed course materials, and management of ava equipment and other issues as they arise.
- Provide index cards (five per attendee), markers and flip chart for use during the course
- Maintain responsibility for all communication with course participants, including directing participants to ANPD's online Continuing Education Center (access information provided by ANPD) for pretest, posttest, adn evaluation.
- Assume all risk of hosting in-person NPD Certification Preparation Course. Host agrees to indemnify and hold ANPD harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses for bodily injury or personal injury (including death), including but not limited to such claims arising from participants in course due to contraction or spread of COVID-19 or other communicable disease.
ANPD responsibilities
- Determination of the educational objectives and content
- Selection of the content specialist planners and activity presenters (faculty)
- Adherence to ANCC accreditation creteria and awarding of contact hours
- Recordkeeping
- Evaluation of each course
- Management of commercial support, if applicable
- Posting/promotion of the course via ANPD website calendar and email
- Promotion of the course in an email to ANPD members in the region
To schedule an ANPD Certification Preparation Review Course, complete the application below. After application approval, faculty selection, and the joint provider and ANPD have agreed upon dates, ANPD will send you a contract, joint provider agreement, and invoice.
Description: This program is intended to prepare participants for the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty examination in nursing professional development by increasing the participant's foundational nursing professional development knowledge.
- Short term measurement: Upon course completion, 80% of participants will report an increase in their knowledge of the content needed to successfully complete the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty examination in nursing professional development.
- Long term measurement: Completed long-term follow up survey results will indicate that 85% of participants who took the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) specialty examination in nursing professional development will report successful certification was achieved.
Target Audience:
- Registered nurses preparing for the specialty certification exam in nursing professional development (NPD), offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- RNs desiring additional education in nursing professional development
Successful Completion:
- Attendance at entire course is required for obtaining full contact hours. Partial credit may be awarded for attendance of a single full day attended (8 hours Day 1, 4 hours Day 2).
- Completion of the pre- and post-tests and review to be awarded an additional 2 contact hours. Post test much be completed within 30 days of live course.
- Completion of online course evaluation is required to obtain course completion certificate with contact hours.Evaluation must be completed within 30 days of live course.
Continuing Nursing Education:
Association for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Contact Hours Awarded: 14
Disclosure: No relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies exist for anyone in a position to control content of this activity, including planners, planning committee members, presenters/instructors, authors, and content reviewers.
Disclaimer: Participation in this course does not guarantee successful performance on the ANCC NPD Board Certification Exam, nor is it intended to predict exam performance. It may, however, help identify areas of strength and opportunities as a part of a comprehensive exam preparation plan.