Onboarding & Orientation
Elevating Ambulatory Care Through Collaborative Onboarding Practices
Audience Level: Competent
- Sarah Shreckhise, MSN, RN; Deanna Pototschnik MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Mary Coffey MPH, PHD, RN, NEA-BC; Karen Scott BSN, RN, CMSRN
Discover how a structured, evidence-based onboarding program can transform ambulatory care addressing essential skills and knowledge gaps, enhancing collaboration, and reducing preceptor workload. Learn about innovative approaches and documentation practices that elevate care quality and ensure new hires are proficient and patient-centric.
Boosting New Graduate Self-Confidence: An End of Orientation Simulation
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Kylie Yearwood, Phd, RN, CNE, CEN, CHSE, NPD-BC
Dive into a simulation experience, occurring at the end of orientation for new graduate nurses (NGN), which was found to significantly (p = 0.0008) increase self-confidence in NGN. This experience, as a part of a robust nurse residency program, has been instrumental in reducing first year voluntary turnover.
Retention through Connection: Making Orientation a Moment
Audience Level: Competent
Overcome the challenges of employee retention by elevating your orientation with tried-and-tested interventions and improvements. See how one organization redesigned their process and simultaneously fostered a sense of belonging during such a momentous occasion, ultimately cutting their turnover rate in half.
(Almost) Million Dollar Onboarding Makeover!
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Marci Ayers, MSN, RN, CMSRN, NPD-BC; Michelle Yeatts, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CEN
QI project: Through policy change and collaborative partnerships, eliminate unnecessary repetition of orientation and compliance training for transferring employees or those rehired within 180 days, resulting in more than $883,000 annual cost avoidance for a 21-facility centralized organization.
Roll The Dice: Aspire To Win Onboarding Unlicensed Roles
Audience Level: Competent
- Margo Preston Scott, MS, RN, NPD-BC
Roll The Dice: Imagine creating an efficient and interactive onboarding experience for unlicensed roles across two hospitals. This interactive session inspires NPDs to develop an engaging integrative orientation using skill stations, gamification, case studies, and discussion to make learning fun and educational for acute care unlicensed roles.
Simulation Skills for new RN/LPN onboarding
Audience Level: Novice | Sub-Track: Technology
- Dottie Wentworth, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Leah Greene, PGCert, MSN, RN, PCCN
The progression from nursing school to professional practice can be challenging for new graduate nurses or return to practice nurses. Learn how simulation of clinical skills can improve nurse's skills, confidence, and patient outcomes.
Back to Basics: Empowering Patient Support Team Members as Leaders
Audience Level: Expert
- Colleen Coyne, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CMSRN
This session will showcase a shift in the orientation model for patient support team members. Learn about the use of innovative teaching strategies to promote maximum learner engagement using group work. The nursing professional development specialist will describe how to use available resources to create an original educational experience for the learners.
Micro Education makes Macro Difference: Nursing and Surgical Specialties
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Angela M. Van Zandt, MSN-Ed, RN; Maryann P. Degala, BSN, RN
This presentation will discuss multiunit oreintation and focused education to demystify the unknowns of the floating nurse. Participants will be introduced to practical and multifaceted approach guided by the adult learning theory and aspects of microlearning to maximize on staffing resource while increasing nurses’ preparedness in multiple units.
Competency Management
Aspire to Engage Gen Z Nurses with a Digital Board
Audience Level: Novice | Sub-Track: Technology
- Rosa Rousseau, DNP, MSN Ed, CHSE; Marisol Jimenez, MSN, RN; Elizabeth Madero, MSN, RN, CPHON; Melanie Singh, MS, RN, NPD-BC
Have you struggled to engage Gen Z nurses in onboarding, education, or competency validation? This session will show NPD practitioners how to move away from static PowerPoint presentations and embrace technology to foster collaborative learning.
Innovative NPD Strategies: Enhancing IEN Competencies via Hybrid Transition Program
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Jose Arnold Tariga, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, NPD-BC, NE-BC, CPHQ, FFNMRCSI; Lisa McEathron, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN
This presentation explores the innovative International Transition to Practice Program (ITPP), a 16-week hybrid initiative designed to enhance the competencies of internationally educated nurses (IENs). Discover how technology, simulations, and tailored training address challenges in transitioning to US healthcare, ensuring readiness for clinical excellence and improved patient outcomes.
Step-Up Your Game: Optimizing Excellence Through Streamlining Competency Management Processes
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Autumn Spencer, MBA, BSN, RN, CCRN, NPD-BC; Laura Johnson, MSN, RN, CMSRN, NPD-BC
Explore a transformative competency management initiative at a major academic medical center. This session details the development of a streamlined, evidence-based framework, replacing outdated checklist methods with competency statements. Learn how standardization across departments, coupled with insights from accrediting bodies, improved efficiency, reduced nursing turnover, and enhanced patient care.
What, No Skills Fair and I Have Options?!
Audience Level: Competent
- Victoria English, MSN, RN, CV-BC; Christine St. Amand, MSN, RN; Brittany Lambert, BSN, RN, CMSRN; Diana Verrill, MSN, RN-BC
This presentation highlights an innovative, shift-based competency verification method designed to replace traditional skills fairs, addressing staff dissatisfaction and improving work-life balance. Attendees will learn about the pilot process, collaboration with key partners, and outcomes such as increased staff satisfaction, enhanced knowledge retention, and significant organizational ROI through streamlined planning and flexible verification options.
SuperU: The Quest for Annual Mandatory Skill Competency Demonstration Compliance
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Holly Briere, MSN, RN, OCN, NPD-BC; Naquia Lacey MSN, RN, AMB-BC; Stephanie Delahunt MSN, RN; Victoria Casper MSN, RN, CNML, CMSRN
Competency management practices that ensure compliance and translation of best practice at the bedside is a goal of Nursing Professional Development practitioners. Collaboration with and recruitment of frontline staff and leaders in a comprehensive point of care peer-review process yielded significant improvements in engagement, competency completion and related quality outcomes.
Charge Nurse Competency: Streamlining and Standardizing Practice via Technology
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Charlie Dharmasukrit, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, CMSRN; Maggie Thompson, DNP, MPH, RN, NPD-BC, FNP-BC; David Orth, MS, RN, CNS, NPD-BC, CCRN, PHN
Learn how one NPD team at a multi-campus health system standardized their Charge Nurse competency across practice settings using technology. This session will provide strategies on how to successfully implement electronic competencies with the benefits of aligning with practice standards, streamlining tracking, and empowering nurses in selecting appropriate validation methods.
Streamlining and Standardizing Initial Competency Validation for Registered Nurses
Audience Level: Competent
- Kelly Cook, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
This presentation outlines the work of a team of Nursing Professional Development Practitioners to collaborate and integrate EBP/best practices to enhance the standardization of competencies and support orientation across multiple roles and disciplines.
High Seas Heparin Heist: Escaping Stagnant Waters of Competency Assessment
Audience Level: Competent
- Paula Knight, MSN, RN; Suraiya Pereira Do Carmo, MSN, RN, PCCN
This presentation explores the innovative use of an underwater-themed escape room to assess nurse competency in IV heparin administration. Attendees will learn how this interactive method, combining puzzles and case studies, effectively evaluates critical thinking and provides an engaging, inclusive approach to competency assessment in healthcare settings.
Gambling on Plagiarism? Top Ten Strategies for Ensuring Copyright Compliance.
Audience Level: Novice
- Theresa McGuire, DNP, MS, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC
This interactive session demonstrates the stakes of gambling with copyright materials as you play a game of Pedagogical Poker. Play your cards right and you all win the ultimate payout – the ethical sharing of information.
Making a Difference: Suicide Ideation Response Training for Ambulatory Staff
Audience Level: Competent
- Sydney Bush-Foster, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Suzanne Duckworth, DNP, RN, AMB-BC
In the year preceding death, suicide victims have frequently been seen in a healthcare clinic. Suicide ideation response training was developed for a large ambulatory enterprise and centered on use of evidenced-based screening tools, safety planning and interventions to improve patient safety.
Revolutionizing Psychiatric Education: Immersive Strategies for Enhanced Clinical Competence
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Corey Hill, MSN-Ed, RN, CRRN, NPD-BC, CNEcl, CHSE; Yesica White, BSN, RN, TCRN
Transform psychiatric education through innovative, immersive learning experiences. This session introduces cutting-edge strategies, including simulations, gamification, and sensory awareness activities designed to enhance empathy, observational skills, and clinical competence in psychiatric practice, equipping educators with tools to create engaging and effective learning environments.
Streaming Best Practices: Strategies for Successful Podcasting
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Jeana Nordike, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CEN, CNML; Anna Bauer-Baxter, MS; Jaimie Talir, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Jenny Hayden, MSN, RN
Do you struggle to find ways to encourage learning on the go? Why not take a gamble on podcasts? Attend this session to learn how to leverage technology to bring interprofessional continuing education to a multisite audience.
Walking in Their Shoes: Social Determinants of Health Simulation Exercise
Audience Level: Novice | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Nicole Duckworth, BSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC; Mike Strano MSN, RN, CEN; Christina Allen, DNP, APN,C, AGCNS-BC, GERO-BC, CEN, CHOP-B
The presentation will discuss how one organization uses a poverty simulation to teach learners about social determinants of health. The activity immerses participants in exercises that force them to make important life choices with limited resources, providing significant insight into why patients make the decisions they do.
Backpack Education: An Innovative Approach to Just-in-Time Training
Audience Level: Novice
- Angelia Webb, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Kristan Black, MSN RN RNC-MNN; Jill Heard, MSN RN MEDSURG-BC; Jennifer Lawson, MPH BSN CMSRN CRRN
Discover how Backpack Education transforms clinician training with innovative, on-the-go skill development that fits seamlessly into busy workflows. Learn how this flexible just-in-time method effectively addresses critical practice gaps and enhances competency, all while minimizing disruption to patient care.
Take Flight to New Learning Heights!
Audience Level: Novice and Competent
- Michele Deck, MEd, RN, BSN, LCCE, FACCE
Whether you are a new or seasoned educator, it’s time to elevate your practice. In which direction are you headed? Are you looking for new teaching strategies that will delight and invite? Discover ten strategies you can immediately implement at your next meeting or educational offering.
Power of an Hour: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Nursing Knowledge
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Lindsay D'Angelo, MSN, RN, RNC-NIC, NPD-BC; Molly Nichols, MSN, RN, RNC-NIC
Need to reinforce content or provide new education in your practice setting but never seem to have enough time? Welcome to Power Hour! A short interactive learning session utilizing three different technology tools with concepts of microlearning and case-based scenarios which has improved NICU nursing knowledge by 22% to date!
Unlocking AI's Potential in NPD
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Laura Irvin, MHL, BSN, RN
NPDs play a pivotal role in guiding the evolution and ethical use of AI in the professional development of the healthcare team. This session explores the integration of AI into NPD. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of use cases and strategies for mitigating limitations as they incorporate AI into NPD.
Leading Healthy Work Environments: Start With HEALTHY YOU!
Audience Level: Novice
- Mary E. Holtschneider, MEd, MPA, BSN, RN, NPDA-BC, CPTD
NPD practitioners promote healthy work environments and are role models in the interprofessional learning environment. This session will explore ways that NPD practitioners can focus on their own body, mind, and spirit integration so that they move better, feel better, and bring their best self to those they serve.
Flip the Classroom, Level up the Learning, and Save Resources!
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Samantha Monk, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN, CPN; Ann Herrmann MSN, RN, PCNS-BC, CPN, CCRN
In this dynamic session, we'll explore the flipped classroom model through a storytelling case study. Through a "choose your own adventure" experience, you'll make key decisions that shape the flipped classroom's design. Each choice leads to unique scenarios, offering practical strategies for implementation of this innovative teaching approach.
Empowering Inclusive Education: Supporting Neurodivergent Adults in the Classroom
Audience Level: Novice | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Laykin Forthun, BSN, RN, PMH-BC, HNB-BC
Empowering Inclusive Education: Supporting Neurodivergent Adults in the Classroom explores the concept of neurodivergence, emphasizing the importance of understanding and valuing different cognitive styles. It explores traditional bolt on accommodations and highlights how compassionate pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) create inclusive learning environments for neurodiverse groups.
Multifaceted Approach to Dissemination of Resuscitation Education
Audience Level: Novice
- Amanda Pyles, MSN, RN, CCRN, NPD-BC; Rebecca Busch, BSN, RN, CCRN
Participants should expect to see how a multifaceted approach to using a series of educational resource flyers improved resuscitation performance metrics at an academic health system.
Writing Effective Learning Outcomes: Strategies for Success
Audience Level: Novice
- Ayumi Fielden, MSN, RN, CCRN, CPAN
This presentation explores writing clear, measurable learning outcomes aligned with practice gaps. Participants will distinguish between learning outcomes and objectives, write outcomes across knowledge, skill, and practice domains, and align them with instructional strategies and evaluations. By the session's end, learners will develop meaningful learning outcomes for curriculum and assessment.
I Need Help in Here! Interdisciplinary In-Situ Simulations
Audience Level: Novice
- Kathleen Linhart, RN, MSN, CPN; Mary Ellen Sheldon, MA, RN, BC, NPD-BC
Discussion of implementation of a multi- unit In-Situ interdisciplinary simulation program.
Role Development
Trauma-Informed Development and Education: Turning the TIDE on Transition to Practice
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Heidi Gilroy, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC, EBP-C; Laura Douglas, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN.
Trauma exposure and resulting mental health symptoms can be a significant barrier to a successful transition to practice for new graduate clinicians. In this session, you will learn how to overcome that barrier by applying principles of Trauma-Informed Professional Development to a transition to practice program.
Strategic Planning: Laying the Groundwork for Team and Organizational Success
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Susan Bindon, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
This presentation will describe the vital importance of having a clear, actionable strategic plan to inform our practice. An experienced NPD leader will guide attendees through the process of developing a focused plan that identifies an individual's or team's priorities and goals and how to achieve them.
Developing Those Who Develop Others: A Nursing Professional Development Academy
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Maureen DeSena, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, NPD-BC, NE-BC; Diane Swengros, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CHTP/I
Learn how one organization developed an experiential learning academy to support nursing professional development practitioners in their first year of practice. Hear about fun and innovative strategies that lead to increased confidence and competence.
Enhancing Organizational Culture Through NPD-Led DEI Initiatives
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Vanessa Cameron, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CEN, CNL; Rachel Kromer, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC
Have you wondered how to promote a culture of inclusivity and belonging in your organization, but been unsure how to move forward? This session will help you identify opportunities, reflect on engagement strategies, and see examples of NPD-led DEI initiatives.
Developing a Productivity Tool for NPD-Practitioners
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Dale Callicutt, PhD, RN, CV-BC, NPD-BC, CCRN; Rhonda Rychlik, MSN, RN, NE-BC, NPD-BC; Holly Reynolds, MSN, RN
This session will equip NPD leaders with a method to measure a specific productivity component (instructional time) in the daily operations of the NPD team. While productivity tools are available for various job roles, including clinical settings, there are challenges in measuring NPD productivity. This session will present a method currently being utilized in a healthcare organization.
ASPIRE-ing Abstract Authors: A Think Tank Case Study
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Susan M. Smith, DNP, RN, NPD-BC; Jillian Russell, MSN, RN, NPDA-BC®; Vanessa Cameron, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CEN; Judy Johnson, MSN, RN, OCN, BMTCN
A Think Tank Team of NPD practitioners collaborated at a large academic medical center to overcome barriers in writing and submitting conference abstracts. Through targeted sessions and peer reviews, we boosted confidence and increased submissions. You will learn the importance of support, creative collaboration, and continuous improvement in professional development.
Viva Las Mentoring: Aspiring for Professional Growth Through Unit-Based Mentoring
Audience Level: Competent
- Akela Edwards, MSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC
Join our 'high-stakes' journey with unit-based peer group mentoring, designed to address critical gaps in support for newly licensed nurses. This strategic NPD initiative aligns with organizational goals and leverages evidence-based practices to foster professional growth, boost job satisfaction, and improve nurse retention, creating a winning hand for all.
Start Here, Stay Here: Engaging and Retaining Nursing Students Through Specialty Fellowship Programs.
Audience Level: Competent
- Sarah Hirx, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Warly Remegio, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC
This session provides evidence-based strategies to develop an NPD-led nursing pathway through a structured role-development program for rising senior students. A multi-modal learning approach is used to provide holistic and immersive learning experiences in various specialty practice settings. Outcomes include nursing recruitment and retention for the health care system.
New Horizons: Embracing NPD Development in Respectful & Equitable Practice
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Sandy Phan, DNP, RN, NPDA-BC, CRRN, EBP-C; Charlie Dharmasukrit, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, CMSRN
Explore strategies to empower NPD practitioners as champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion by integrating Standard 9: Respectful and Equitable Practice. Gain practical tools for assessing learning needs and designing educational plans that promote inclusivity, growth, and meaningful change. Elevate your NPD initiatives to drive health equity forward!
Let The Good Times Roll: Fellowship Support for Experienced Nurses
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Melissa Oberle, DNP, RN, OCN, NPD-BC; Susan Storto MBA, MSN, MED-SURG-BC, NPD-BC; Veronica Bigott MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, MEDSURG-BC, GERO-BC, NPD-BC
Take your chances at the Nursing Professional Development Roulette wheel. Place your bets on the experienced nurse population. Join an engaging discussion about design and implementation of a fellowship program applicable to all practice settings. Nursing Professional Development Practitioners will understand the benefits of role transition, professional development, and retention.
Empowering Nursing Support Colleagues Through an Innovative Role Development Program
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Warly Remegio, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC, FNYAM
This session offers cutting-edge NPD strategies to empower nursing support colleagues (nursing assistive personnel). Attendees will gain insights into how an NPD-led cross-functional team successfully created and executed an innovative role development program, yielding significant improvements in engagement and satisfaction scores, retention rates, and other key organizational outcomes.
Live from Aspire 2025! The NPD Forecast Podcast
Audience Level: Novice
- Naomi Fox, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN; Stephanie Zideck, PhD, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, NEA-BC, NPD-BC
Join us for a live session of the ANPD NPD Forecast Podcast at the 2025 Aspire Convention in Las Vegas!
Welcome to Aspire 2025!
Audience Level: Novice
- Jo-Ann Robinson, DNP, APN-BC, RNC-OB, NPD-BC; Pamela Pascarelli, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN
Have you looked at the conference schedule and wondered how to make the most of everything offered? This session will assist you in maximizing your conference experience. Come join us to explore the highlights and networking opportunities in a place where anything is possible.
Paving Pathways for Nursing Careers: Overcoming Obstacles in Professional Development
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Dulce Torres, MSN, BSN, RN; Seung Kapusta, MSN, BSN, RN
Discover the transformative impact of the implementation and evaluation of Best Fit for Nurse Advancement program. Learn how the program empowers experienced nurses with tools for career progression, mentorship, and strategic planning, as evidenced by its success in enhancing growth opportunities and retention.
Walking In Their Shoes: Experiential Learning About Trauma-Informed Care
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Jennifer Jachimiec, MSN, RN, PCNS-BC, CPN
Psychological trauma can be an uncomfortable topic– let’s start the conversation! Learn about the impact of a workshop incorporating reflection activities and experiential learning.
Empowering Nurse Managers: A Holistic Well-being Approach to Leadership Revitalization
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Susan Hoover, MSN, RN, RNC-MNN, NBC-HWC; Kristine Davidson, MSN, RN, CCRN, HWNC-BC, AHN-BC
Revitalize leadership and team engagement by enhancing well-being and reducing burnout through self-leadership. Discover how our content coaches new nurse managers in fostering a healthy, resilient, and supportive work environment, positively impacting the entire organization.
ANPD Leadership and Evidence-Based Practice Academies
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Naomi Fox, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN; Christine Wilson, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
The NPD Evidence-Based Academy and the NPD Leadership Academy are 12-month long programs designed to meet the professional development needs of the nursing professional development community. This session describes the value of knowledge gained in both academies as four selected participants present their organization outcomes and sustainability plan.
Collaborative Partnerships
Carpooling: Driving Leadership Development through NPD and Leader Collaborative Partnerships
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Percy Ittickathra, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, MedSurg-BC; Amy Bickett, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Join us for an insightful journey into the heart of leadership development, where collaborative partnerships are a driving force behind transformative change. Discover how dedicated Nursing Professional Development (NPD) specialists and leaders have pioneered a "carpooling strategy" to revolutionize leader development, impacting leader turnover and team member outcomes.
Stacking the Deck: Developing a Sustainable Internal Travel Program
Audience Level: Expert
- Jody Shiveley, MSA, BSN, RNC, NPD-BC; Jessica Reed, MSN, RN, CNOR, NPDA-BC; Karen Brunello, MS, RN, NPD-BC; Jennifer Olson, MS
Hospitals use travel nurses to fill staff shortages, but not without potential risks to safe patient care. Attendees of this session will learn the value of an internal travel program, and strategies to implement best education practices and takeaway tools for success.
"Escaping" Errors in DKA Order Set Interpretation
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Technology
- Elizabeth Ross, MSN, RN, NPD-BC; Alisha Updike, MS, RN, PMGT-BC, NPD-BC
What happens when you take a complicated, high-risk, and historically problematic order set and mix in changes? A perfect recipe for error, anxiety and confusion! Discover how NPD Practitioners proactively embraced change and swiftly prepared learners across a large geographic landscape using readily accessible technology and gamification.
Nurse Specialist Optimizes Academic-Practice Partnership to Maximize Retention
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Dr. Carrie Kollar, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, VA-BC; Dr. Angela Clark, PhD, RN, MSN, CNE, FAAN
Explore a workforce initiative where academic practice leaders strategically partner to tackle the nursing shortage through integration of a forgivable loan program enhanced by a nurse retention specialist who cultivates an empowered and engaged workforce. Leave equipped with a robust checklist of innovative strategies shown to maximize retention rates.
Who's Coming to Dinner? Inviting Non-nurses to the Education Table
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Shinto Thomas, MSN, RN, PCCN; Shannon Bowling, PT, DPT, GCS
Inviting non-nurses to the education table benefits organizations by providing a common language, streamlining competency management, integrating subject matter experts, and delivering role- targeted instruction. This session discusses one department's journey in evolving an interprofessional team structure, and how each role’s expertise was enhanced in the process.
Making METRICS Meaningful: Bridging Gaps in Professional Practice
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Leadership
Do you struggle to share lessons learned from Nursing Sensitive Indicator harm events, best practices, and successes across your health system? Do you ever think, “there must be a better way!”? Join us to learn about an innovative approach one health system is using to bridge these gaps!
Driving Change with Simulation
Audience Level: Competent
- Peta-Kaye Johnson, MSN, RN, CEN, NPD-BC
The session will review a small Simulation Center's successes, including reducing patient falls with injury, increasing confidence around massive hemorrhage events, and fostering interprofessional collaboration.
Nursing Professional Development Volunteerism: Adapting curriculum for global facilitation
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Leanna Ross, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, MEDSURG-BC; Krismae Jimenez, MSN, RN, GERO-BC, CHSE
Presenters will share about a collaborative partnership that aims to make quality continuing nursing education accessible in developing countries using nurse volunteers and remote technology. With employer support, Nursing Professional Development (NPD) practitioners are well-positioned to support this global initiative, while experiencing their own professional and personal growth.
Enhancing Excellence of Collaborative Partnerships: Interprofessional Continuing Education Initiatives
Audience Level: Expert
- Carissa Blumenshine, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, PCCN
Is your organization struggling to meet Joint Accreditation’s requirement of 25% interprofessional activities? Join me for a conversation about how one healthcare system surpassed this. I will provide strategies for how all provider types can benefit. Additionally, there will be time for learners to share experiences and get feedback.
Trailblazing for All: Our Educational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Expedition
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Jennifer Myles-Clair, DNP, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN, CNE; Crystal Gellin AA; Percy Ittickathra MSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC, NPD-BC; Tammy Lis MSN, RN-BC, CCRN, NPD-BC
Embark on a transformative expedition with our team, exploring the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives through collaborative partnerships. Discover how we fostered psychological safety and empowered teams through DEI education, creating more inclusive and supportive environments. Come along with us as we blaze a trail to inclusivity.
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Communities and Careers
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Shannon Wells, MSN RN CEN NPD-BC; Vivian Haughton MSN, RN, CNS, IBCLC, CCE
The impact of professional development is evolving at the intersection of allied health roles, workforce diversity, and community engagement. Collaborative partnerships with job-first programs feed economic stability, fosters community engagement and stabilizes tenuous workforce pathways by shepherding under/unemployed individuals into roles with viable wages and career pathing within healthcare.
Identification of Abuse and Human Trafficking in the ED
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Gem Inay, MSN, RN, CEN, ONC
Learn about how a symposium directed toward emergency department staff can improve the identification of abuse and human trafficking patients presenting to the ED. NPD Practitioners will share strategies to enhance the knowledge and skills of ED team members in recognizing key indicators of abuse and human trafficking using effective screening tools, evidence-based practices, and highlighting interventions.
Advancing Tomorrow’s Success of Today’s Youth: Pathway to Nursing
Audience Level: Competent | Sub-Track: Diversity & Inclusion
- Rebecca Monteau, DNP, RN, NPD-BC
Robust school and industry partnerships are critical for providing quality programs and helping young people connect to the workforce. Learn how a partnership brought the real world to high school students to build motivation and a pathway into the nursing profession by implementing a Certified Nursing Assistant Program.
Scientific Inquiry Role: Is This Problem QI, EBP, or Research?
Audience Level: Novice
- Cathleen Opperman, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, EBP-C, NEA-BC, CPN
Inquiry is a role many Nursing Professional Development (NPD) practitioners find most challenging. Differentiating the path appropriate for a given problem is key to how the NPD practitioner consumes, encourages, facilitates, conducts, evaluates, or participates in inquiry. Come discuss how you can develop your NPD practitioner Inquiry role.
In Our Inquiry Era
Audience Level: Competent
- Megan Kirchen, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CMSRN, CLC
Struggling to get your nurses involved in quality improvement, evidence- based practice, and research? Join this NPD’s tour to promote a culture of inquiry through professional governance partnership and nursing support for dissemination of new knowledge!
Prescribing the “Right Dose” of Education for Policy Changes
Audience Level: Expert
- Alisha Updike, MSN, RN, PMGT-BC, NPD-BC; Jacqueline Dolatowski, MSN, RN, CPN, NPD-BC; Megan Suszek, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
How do you ensure your workforce is consistently prepared amid frequently changing nursing policies, procedures and guidelines (PPGs)? Nursing Professional Development (NPD) practitioners created a novel tool to prescribe the “right dose” of education for each change, ensuring nurses get the essential information to practice safely while avoiding education overdose.
Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice Bundle to Maximize External Dissemination
Audience Level: Expert
- Megan Brown, MSN, RN; Leslie Barnum, MSN, RN, CNE
In this presentation, we explore the powerful synergy between Nursing Professional Development (NPD) Practitioners and an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) bundle in reaching dissemination goals. The EBP bundle integrates expertise, provides opportunity, and boosts experience internally to support external dissemination of NPD work and initiatives.
The Association for Nursing Professional Development Preceptor Assessment Tool
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Mary Harper, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC, FAAN; Patsy Maloney, EdD, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC, FAAN; Ryan McDonald, PhD
This session presents a national standard for preceptor assessment using a valid and reliable tool based on the Ulrich Precepting Model.
Destination Mobilization: A Passport Activity to Motivate Ambulation of Patients
Audience Level: Competent
- Mary Jennings, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN; Julie Bialas MSN, APRN, FNP-C, CMSRN
Grab your passports! Next stop, Destination Mobilization! Learn how patients traveled around the world on a medical-surgical unit with an evidence-based Mobility Passport.
Dissemination Junction: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development and NPD in Motion
Audience Level: Novice
- Mary Smith, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NC-BC, AMB-BC, C-EFM, CCE; Jenn Bodine, DNP, MHA, FNP-C, NPDA-BC®, CEN
This session will inspire both novice and experienced NPD Practitioners to share their knowledge, best practices, innovations, and lessons learned though publication.
ICU Mobility Olympics: Using gamification to go for gold
Audience Level: Novice | Sub-Track: Healthy Work Environment
- Michelle Emick, BSN, RN, NPD-BC
This presentation shows how gamification created friendly competition to engage an ICU team and their patients to improve outcomes. Expected, and unexpected, findings show how this multidisciplinary and multifaceted approach changed a unit culture.
Dare to Ask: Who Needs ACLS?
Audience Level: Expert | Sub-Track: Leadership
- Leisl Gilchrist, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CCRN, PCCN-CMC; Amanda Feild, MSN, RN, NE-BC, PCCN
Our organization challenged the necessity of requiring Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification for all nurses working in our Cardiac and Labor and Delivery Units. We'll tell you how we decreased organizational costs and increased our Survival to Discharge metrics by eliminating this requirement!
The Value of a Statistician in NPD Inquiry
Audience Level: Competent
A statistician can be the NPD practitioner's new bestie! Learn how and why to advocate for a statistician on your inquiry team.