We’re back! The Journal for Nurses in Professional Development (JNPD) update is excited to return to Association for Nursing Professional Development’s (ANPD) digital publication, NPD in Motion. In these updates, you will find curated content from JNPD articles and topics relevant to NPD inquiry.
Did you know the JNPD Editorial Board meets annually at the ANPD Aspire Convention? This annual and extended meeting occurs on the first day of the ANPD Aspire convention, providing a space and time for Editorial Board members to discuss key updates of the journal’s current state, as well as forecast and environmentally scan for future strategizing.
This year, we began with a particularly somber but commemorative tribute to Ask the Leader Column Editor, fellow board member, and our friend — the late Dennis Doherty, PhD, RN, NPDA-BC. Board members shared notable experiences in working with Dennis, and how his exceptional dedication and leadership left an indelible mark on the Nursing Professional Development community. Dr. Doherty lived in Boston, Massachusetts and worked as a Senior Professional Development Specialist at Boston Children’s. He will be greatly missed.
The Editorial Board meeting continued with an editor-in-chief update from Kathleen Burke, PhD, RN, CENP, FAAN, including the announcement of longtime Editorial Board member Dora Bradley, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, FAAN’s retirement from the board. Dr. Burke also discussed upcoming guest editorials, and she shared learnings from recently attended editorial conferences, workshops, and events.
JNPD’s publisher, Wolters Kluwer, shared trends — including how the journal’s manuscript rejection rate is increasing and, consequently, the acceptance rate is decreasing; the journal also continues to receive several international manuscript submissions. One trend, which is consistent throughout the larger healthcare climate, is the top JNPD articles for 2022. They largely focus on role transition (e.g., preceptorship, orientation, programs designed to support new-to-practice nurses). This data reinforces the NPD community’s continued interest in addressing gaps surrounding role transition.
We have numerous exciting ventures in store for our readers and we are delighted to keep you updated on them here, the JNPD website, and through social media. JNPD continues to hold a strong presence on social media, with a LinkedIn community of 3,876 followers — are you one of them? If not, catch up on Nursing Professional Development articles and research by following our LinkedIn page.
Journal for Nurses in Professional Development: About | Author Instructions
International Academy of Nursing Editors: Resources to Write for Publication
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Editor-in-Chief Kathleen Burke, PhD, RN.

Melanie Rainford, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Melanie Rainford is a board-certified nurse leader, with over 16 years of clinical nursing and professional development experience, specializing in the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional development initiatives, projects, and programs.
In 2017, Melanie received the ANPD Change Agent Award for her strength in project management and improvement processes, and in 2018 she graduated from the ANPD Leadership Academy. Melanie served as a contributing author for the NPD Scope & Standards of Practice, 4th Ed. and as Change Agent chapter editor for the Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development, 6th Ed. She currently serves on the Editorial Board for the JNPD, the official publication of the ANPD.
In her current role as an education program specialist at the American Nurses Association Enterprise, Melanie manages and implements educational content for conferences and symposiums through project management, influence, data analysis, and internal consultation; additionally, in this role, Melanie creates educational content using instructional design, educational technology (edtech), design learning, and innovation.