Delineates the “when,” “who,” and “how” in the scope of practice; the Learner and NPD practitioner who conducts environmental scanning to ascertain opportunities and challenges that may reveal or create a potential practice gap—content includes leadership messages, environmental scanning findings, NPD advocacy, and additional topics specific to each NPD role
Represents the processes that transform the inputs—the “what” and the “why” of NPD practice—NPD practitioner responsibilities that are leveraged include onboarding & orientation, competency management, education, role development, collaborative partnerships, and inquiry—content includes exemplars of these throughputs in actions and more
Culminate in the overall desired outcomes of NPD practice; as a result, quality and safety are enhanced, and healthcare outcomes are improved—content includes topics relevant to professional role competence and growth, optimal care, population health, as well as important updates from ANPD
NPD In Motion provides thought leadership and commentary within these three categories that equip the NPD community with essential tools to demonstrate the value of their role.
Interested in contributing an article to NPD in Motion? ANPD members are invited to fill out our article submission form. Questions about submissions can be directed to your ANPD editors.
Editorial submissions are opinion writings and have not been subjected to peer review.