JNPD Convenes 2024 Editorial Board at ANPD Aspire Convention
April 19, 2024 — Melanie Rainford, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
As the official peer-reviewed journal of the Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD), the Journal for Nurses in Professional Development (JNPD) convenes its Editorial Board at the start of each ANPD Aspire Convention. Led by Editor-in-Chief (EIC) Kathleen G. Burke, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, CENP, FAAN, a group including JNPD Editorial Board members, JNPD column editors, ANPD Board President Dale Callicutt, PhD, RN, CV-BC, NPD-BC, CCRN, and leadership from publisher Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. reflected on the preceding year and strategized for the year to come. Dr. Kathleen Burke expressed appreciation to the Editorial Board for their engagement and dedication over the last year and gratitude for the many contributions from the journal’s peer reviewers. The Editorial Board discussed the artistry and scientific rigor required to peer review a manuscript, and considered opportunities to provide peer reviewers with additional support; recommendations included elucidating the manuscript reviewing process and providing reviewers with foundational resources on strategies to deliver constructive feedback to authors.
Each column editor provided the rest of the Editorial Board with updates and topic ideas to cover in the upcoming year. Highlights included evaluating ways to incorporate practice areas across the continuum of care (e.g., not just acute care), a focus on organizational resources, strategies for supporting preceptors, discussion of nursing professional development sub-specialties, and enhanced considerations of inclusivity across all marginalized groups. Dr. Kathleen Burke announced the discontinuation of two columns: Ask the Leader and From the Front Lines to the Back Page, and also shared that there is consideration for adding a new column and a potential new Editorial Board member.
The Editorial Board looks forward to providing the NPD practitioner community with the most current information on planning, implementing, and evaluating educational activities, teaching and learning methods, research in the specialty, evidence-based research and best practices, and technological or other innovations.
Are you interested in becoming a peer reviewer? If so, review and complete the JNPD Peer Reviewer: Role/Responsibilities & Application. Email this application (and a current CV) to Editor-in-Chief Dr. Kathleen Burke.
Did you know? Since the Journal for Nurses in Professional Development is the official peer-reviewed journal of ANPD, online access is an ANPD member benefit! Since 1985, JNPD has been the specialized source of information for NPD practitioners in all healthcare settings.
Be sure to follow the journal’s LinkedIn page for real-time updates.

Melanie Rainford, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Editorial Board Member, ANPD; Senior NPD Specialist in Education and Resources, American Nurses Enterprise
Melanie Rainford is a board-certified nurse leader, with over 16 years of clinical nursing and professional development experience, specializing in the design, implementation, and evaluation of professional development initiatives, projects, and programs.
In 2017, Melanie received the ANPD Change Agent Award for her strength in project management and improvement processes, and in 2018 she graduated from the ANPD Leadership Academy. Melanie is a contributing author for the NPD Scope & Standards of Practice, 4th Ed. and chapter editor Change Agent for the Core Curriculum for Nursing Professional Development, 6th Ed. She currently serves on the editorial board for the JNPD, the official publication of the ANPD.
In her current role as an education program specialist at the American Nurses Association Enterprise, Melanie manages and implements educational content for conferences and symposiums through project management, influence, data analysis, and internal consultation; additionally, in this role, Melanie creates educational content using instructional design, educational technology (edtech), design learning, and innovation.